Shroomber Party Tix are available!
Y’all are the first to know the tix are officially live! It’s been a whirlwind this week but they’re available forR
hose interested. If you have questions, I’m here.
Y’all are the first to know the tix are officially live! It’s been a whirlwind this week but they’re available forR
hose interested. If you have questions, I’m here.
1pm the earlier the better so we can have enough seats!
Just checking in to see how everyone’s reading is going? Are you enjoying the book this far? Any nuances or revelations?
I keep coming back to the part basically saying Nobody has abused you more than yourself with your own judgement and it makes me really see what you allow is a true reflection of how much you love yourself. Like how many times have we settled for the lesser because “we felt” like we didn’t deserve or couldn’t obtain greater?